Xinfadi Market Hebei - the New Fruit Gateway to Northeast China

2 February 2022

Xinfadi Market Hebei, in GaoBeiDian Town 80Km South of Beijing, has replaced Xinfadi Market Beijing as the primary distribution centre for imported fruit in North East China. The move to the new market, mainly because of congestion in Beijing, is said to have removed millions of truck movements off Beijing roads.

Caption: Hebei XinFaDi Market, 21 january 2022
Hebei XinFaDi Market, 21 january 2022

Whilst the old market is still a key distribution hub for central Beijing the new market serves all 300 Million population of the whole North East - on our visit we met buyers from cities as widely spread as Taiyuan (Shanxi), Dalian and Dandong (Liaoning) and Chengde (Hebei). The market has attracted some of the key importers/wholesalers from Guangzhou and Shanghai as well as local sellers. Most fruit is trucked from Guangzhou.

Hebei XinFaDi Market, 21 january 2022
Hebei XinFaDi Market, 21 january 2022

When we visited, just prior to Chinese New Year, the best selling fruits were cherries, stonefruit, tropical fruit and premium local produce. There were many brands of Australian nectarines and peaches on display with a strong focus on larger sizes preferred by Northern consumers - necarines greater than 69mm. It confirmed to us that this part of China is potentially the best market for Australian stonefruit - local consumers are very familiar with these fruits, which are grown locally in summer.

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