Metal Fabrications

For over 12 years Sino Access has been successfully sourcing metal fabrications and parts for our industrial and agricultural customers. Our on-the-ground China team includes experienced designers and engineers and quality control managers who visit factories at every stage of production. We have worked with some metal fabricators and industrial suppliers in China for over a decade, so we know their quality is always first class.

In this era of COVID, and supply chain challenges, we are dealing directly with manufacturers, as well as freight companies to deliver parts to Australia as quickly as possible and at lowest possible cost. At a time when it is difficult to travel, we are your eyes and ears on-the-ground.

Whether you are in Wagga, Mildura or Moe we aim to be a supply partner of choice that helps you to be more efficient in your own manufacturing, help smooth supply chains and to grow your business.

Here’s some parts we supply.

Steel and machined Steel (eg. Grade 4041, 1045)

Sino Access’ team buys steel direct from steel mills to get the best price. If your steel supplier can’t find your steel size or grade, we usually can. Whether 1045 or 4041 bar or special alloy steel.

We have been supplying precisely machined steel for 15 years ready to fit directly into your production process.

Pictures: Machined Steel Blocks before shipment, April 2022

Steel fabrications and sub-assemblies

Whether you are an industrial company, engineer or machine maker our fabrications and sub-assemblies fit neatly into your production process. We manufacture whole assemblies or just one part.  We quote promptly based on your sketch or drawing and can make short test runs.

Crow Bars

Machined parts

Sino Access supplies finely machined parts in mild steel and speciality and hardened steel. Parts made such as Chuck Jaws are widely used in the mining industry.

Picture: Machined Mild Steel Chuck Jaws before shipping 2017 and July 2022

High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR)

Our partner manufactures extremely high precision parts for mining such as High-Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) from Speciality Alloy Steel such as Grade AISI 4330, used to crush rock in the mining industry. These are exported to Germany and Canada. Current Outer Diameter is 1500mm, 1800mm and 2000mm.

Small and Large Forged Parts - Wind Turbine Shafts

Our manufacturing partner uses 4000 and 8000 Ton hydraulic forging presses to forge and manufacture Wind Turbine Shafts. The Shafts are exported to the major Wind Turbine manufacturers in Europe, Korea and Canada. Machining of shafts is undertaken to extremely fine tolerances in specialist metals such as 34CrNiMo6.

For all enquiries please contact us on
0419 010 032