Branded Australian Citrus varieties on Display in Shanghai Super Markets

20 September 2021

Two citrus varieties introduced a few years ago were on display in Shanghai in Upmarket supermarket, Ole. Sumo Mandarins (called Ugly Mandarins) and green coloured Navels (called Chocolate Oranges in China) were being promoted. Both were selling at RMB 49.9 (AUD 10.40)/500gr. We expect at these prices, volumes sold will be relatively low. However, it does highlight the importance of introducing new products to achieve a premium.

On one Chinese internet platorm the “Chocolate Orange” is available for RMB99/8 pieces. About RMB 62 (AUD15.5) per Kg.

Also in Ole, a promotion was selling Australian Navels at RMB 15.9 (AUD 3.40)/500Gr (below).

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